The Fasting of Ramadan: A Time for Thought, Action, and Change


Fasting in Ramadan develops in a person the real spirit of social belonging, of unity and brotherhood, and of equality before God

Develops a Healthy Lifestyle
Fasting has numerous, scientifically proven, benefits for our physical health and mental well-being. The time, length and nature of the Islamic Fast all contribute to its overall positive effect.

Elevates the Spirit
Fasting elevates the human spirit and increases our awareness of God. It strengthens our will-power as we learn to rise above our lower desires. 

Cultivates Love
It cultivates in us the principle of sincere Love, because when we observe Fasting, we do it out of deep love for God. 

Develops Adaptability
Fasting in Ramadan enables us to master the art of mature adaptability and Time-Management.

Develops Compassion 
Fasting inculcates in us patience, unselfishness, and gratitude. When we fast we feel the pains of deprivation and hunger, and learn how to endure it patiently.

Self Reflection 
Ramadan gives us a break and provides us with a rare opportunity to think about our own selves, our future, and our families. 

Develops Character
Fasting is an institution for the improvement of moral and spiritual character of human being. The purpose of the fast is to help develop self-restraint, self-purification, God-consciousness, compassion, the spirit of caring and sharing, the love of humanity and the love of God


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