Why didn't it land on the plane carrying former presidents?

The delegation later arrived in Beledweyne, the capital of Hiran region. Members of the delegation included MP Abdikarim Omar Mohamed who told the BBC that their trip was politicized because the prime minister who was in Beledweyne today.
Meanwhile, in a press conference held in Mogadishu, Hiranbele regional president Mohamed Abdi Ware said no one was prevented from traveling, but the purpose of the airport was when the rains fell.
Ware said there was no reason to stop the delegation of former presidents, and there was no news that the radar had been fired, but he said the pilot made a false alarm and fired the radar, and did not respond. , without guidance he landed on the field.
He said they would face a deal with the company that landed at Beledweyne airport today, accusing it of being irresponsible and taking a risk, he said.
"The decision of the airline does not belong to the airline, it is the responsibility of the authorities to report to the airline that it has violated the flight skills and will be held accountable," President Ware added. that plane was causing a lot of stress.
He also said that at midnight he informed his Vice President Ali Generallawe that Beledweyne was going to former Presidents Sheikh Sharif and Hassan Sheikh.
Mr Ware said during these times the situation at Beledweyne airport was struggling, and the airport was closed when it rained and once it was dry.
He said it was shared at 6am this morning that the airport could not be landed, as the 600-acre landing site was flooded last night and could not land, especially with the Focker 50 aircraft.
Later he said he contacted the President of the airport at around 8 in the morning, and when he wanted to share the information he spoke, and said what the weather, you have a job.


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