Somalia will proceed with its first direct elections since March 1969 despite the pandemic

Somalia looks to first full elections in 51 years, despite COVID-19 crisis

In its latest situation report, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday put the number of confirmed cases in Somalia at 1,502, with 59 deaths. 

Even before the outbreak, more than 5 million Somalis required humanitarian assistance, Mr. Swan said, as the country continued to deal with the al-Shabaab terrorist insurgency and a major locust invasion that is putting food production in peril. 

Nevertheless, the Federal Government and Federal Member States have responded quickly to the crisis “within their means,” he said, with Prime Minister Hassan Khaire leading a National COVID Task Force and the six regional states participating in national-level coordination efforts. 

UNSOM head James Swan at the Security Council on 21 May 2020.He says that despite severe COVID-19 effects, Somalia is making progress on State-building priorities including preparing for one-person-one-vote elections, by UNSOM. 

Looking beyond the immediate health crisis, Mr. Swan – speaking from Mogadishu via video-teleconference – said the coming weeks will be decisive in determining how Somalia will proceed with its first direct elections since March 1969. 


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