Governor Ahmed Muse Nur and three of his bodyguards killed by al Shabab

The governor of the Mudug region in Somalia's Puntland, Governor Ahmed Muse Nur has been killed along with three of his bodyguards in a suicide car bombing claimed by armed group al-Shabab, according to the police and a security official.

Al-Shabab has been fighting for years to topple Somalia's internationally-recognised central government and frequently carries out bombings in Somalia and elsewhere in the region.

The group wants to establish its own rule in the Horn of Africa country, based on a strict interpretation of Islamic law.Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda affiliate, was driven out of Mogadishu in 2011 and lost most of its strongholds, but still controls vast swathes of the countryside.

Its members have promised to overthrow the government in Mogadishu and have carried out numerous attacks in the capital. 


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