Anger in Somalia as sons secretly sent to serve in Eritrea military force


Ali Jamac Dhoodi thought his son was working as a security guard in Qatar, helping prepare for next year's soccer World Cup. Then one day last April, officials from Somalia's National Intelligence Agency arrived with $10,000 in cash.

They told him his son had died - not in Qatar, but in Eritrea, one of the world's most secretive countries.

"They showed me a picture from their WhatsApp and asked me, 'Do you know this picture and his full name?' I said, 'Yes he is my son,'" Dhoodi, 48, told Reuters. "They said to me 'Your son died'. I cried."

They gave him the money, and told him not to ask questions.

Ali's son was one of three young Somali men whose families told Reuters they had been recruited by Somalia's federal government for jobs in Qatar, only to surface in Eritrea, where they were sent to serve in a military force against their will. Two other families said their sons had simply disappeared.

The apparent secret recruitment of young Somali men for a fighting force in Eritrea is stirring public anger in Somalia, a poor country where opportunities to work abroad are eagerly sought. Protests erupted last week in the capital Mogadishu and in the towns of Guriel and Galkayo over the missing recruits.

In a statement, Qatar's government communications office said the Gulf state "condemns any abusive and duplicitous recruitment of any individual who was falsely told they were moving to Qatar for employment opportunities".

"The State of Qatar stands against such practices and urges all governments to investigate such abuses," it added.

Reports that Eritrean forces have taken part in fighting that broke out in November last year in neighbouring northern Ethiopia - which Eritrea and Ethiopia strongly deny - have led some Somalis to worry their sons may have been sent there.

Asked if Eritrea had recruited Somalis, trained them or sent them to Ethiopia, Eritrean Information Minister Yemane Meskel told Reuters: "This is ludicrous ... There is massive disinformation floating around."

Somali government spokesman Mohamed Ibrahim and Information Minister Osman Dube did not respond to requests for comment on the Somali government's apparent role in the recruitment, but Ibrahim said no Somalis had been sent to Ethiopia.

The leaders of Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea have been drawing closer together since 2018, after a change of leadership in Ethiopia. Ethiopia and Eritrea, once archenemies, signed a peace deal and have regular high level visits. Somalia - which once accused Eritrea of supporting Islamist rebels - now has friendly relations with its president.


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