Somali forces kill 4 al-Shabab militants in southern region


At least four al-Shabab militants were killed on Sunday in a fierce fighting in Qansah Dhere town in the southern region of Bay, an official said on Monday.

Abdi Risak Abdullahi Ibrahim, governor of Qansah Dhere said the militants ambushed a convoy carrying government forces who were advancing from a military base in the town, sparking a fierce clash.

“We killed four al-Shabab fighters during the confrontation. We lost one soldier while two others got injured,” Ibrahim said.

Al-Qaida allied terrorist group al-Shabab was driven out of the capital Mogadishu in August 2011, but they are still in control of strongholds in the rural areas of southern and central regions and capable of conducting ambushes and planting landmines


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