Somali and U.S. forces kill 7 ISIS militants in northern Somalia

The self-defense airstrike was carried out after ISIS-Somalia fighters attacked forces in a remote location near Timirshe about 140 km southeast of Bosasso.
“This strike supported the efforts of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States to rid Somalia of the atrocities of ISIS Somalia and al-Shabaab and to provide a better future for the Somali people,” said the ministry.
It said the allied forces have taken measures to prevent civilian casualties in the fight against the group and investigate each reported allegation fully.
“At this time, no civilians are assessed to have been killed or injured in the attack. The efforts we take to protect and safeguard civilians starkly contrasts the indiscriminate attacks that ISIS Somalia and al-Shabab regularly conduct against the civilian populace of Somalia,” said the ministry


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