Somalia and Somali People

Somali and Somali People

1) Music – Somalia is a well-known country of folk music.

2) The Camel is Important – The camel is the most important animal to the Somali people. They use it for so many different things, including transportation, food, and earning money. Sometimes the status of a person is determined by whether they owned a camel too. 

3) Forests and Waterfalls – When most foreigners think about Somalia, they just think of poor people and barren landscapes in the desert. But Somalia actually has a lot of beautiful forests and waterfalls too, such as the Lamadaya waterfall.

4) Weddings – Food is a very important element of weddings in Somalia. The family of the bride will often slaughter animals and serve the meat of the animals to the wedding guests. Bread will also be served as well. Families like to make these big celebrations, which is why they invite the poor as well as people connected to the bride and groom.

5) Education Diversity – About two-thirds of the adults in Somalia do not know how to read and write. Meanwhile, there are some fortunate Somalis who are highly educated and speak as many as 5 languages.

6) Texas Size – Somalia is a rather small country in comparison to other countries in Africa and around the world. If you look at the square footage of Somalia, it is a little bit less than the square footage of Texas in the United States.

7) Banana Leaf Scoops – Somalis traditionally eat with their fingers. First, they will prepare their food in a bowl. Instead of just eating from the bowl, they will either use three fingers to scoop out the food or they will use a rolled-up banana leaf to scoop it out.

8) Food Shortages – The Somalis are constantly short on food. About 6.9 million Somalis are malnourished or don’t know where their next meal is coming from. This is mostly due to the drought problem in the country, causing the crops to stop growing.

9) Variety of Exotic Animals – Somalia has a lot of different exotic animals, aside from just a camel. They have baboons, giraffes, cheetah, lions, and elephants too. If you explore the forest areas, you might come across them.

10) Ongoing Civil War – There has been an ongoing civil war in Somalia since 1991. It is estimated that over 500,000 people have been killed in the war so far.


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